If you have a custom design in mind, we'll be happy to bring it to fruition! Feel free to call us at 80 to discuss custom options. Check out our inventory of custom gauge clusters for heavy duty vehicles.Check out our inventory of custom gauge clusters for more modern cars.Check out our inventory of custom gauge clusters for classic cars.ISS Automotive sells high quality custom gauge clusters – even those with cool LED lighting – for a couple hundred dollars. The good news is that not all quality custom gauge clusters cost an arm and a leg. It’s not unusual to find custom gauge clusters that cost over $1,000. Custom Gauge Clusters Can Be Very Expensive We custom build gauge clusters for almost any vehicle, modern and classic alike. You won't have that issue with ISS Automotive. It may be difficult to find a quality custom gauge cluster that’s made specifically for your vehicle. Most custom gauge clusters are geared toward older, classic vehicles. Custom Gauge Clusters Can Be Difficult To Retrofit To A Newer Vehicle Like all upgrades, custom gauge clusters have several drawbacks: 1. The Cons Of Upgrading To A Custom Gauge Cluster A well-designed custom gauge cluster will make your driving experience much more enjoyable. You use your gauge cluster every time you drive. Most customizations aren’t that noticeable, but a quality custom gauge cluster is. A Custom Gauge Cluster Can Be A Good Return On Investment Sometimes a stock gauge cluster won’t quite match your interior upgrades. If you’ve made some noticeable upgrades to your vehicle’s interior, a custom gauge cluster can tie it all together. A Custom Gauge Cluster Can Liven Up Your Vehicle’s Interior Here are the biggest advantages of having a custom gauge cluster in your vehicle: 1. The Pros Of Upgrading To A Custom Gauge Cluster If you’re thinking about upgrading your gauge cluster, let’s explore the pros and cons of doing so. Make your driving experience easier and more enjoyable.
Did you know that you can upgrade the gauge cluster in your vehicle? There are some quite cool aftermarket custom clusters that will: